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Vixen Workout in SOBE: Story Nightclub

By on Nov 27, 2013 in Weekly Chronicles | 0 comments

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Energy, in its rawest and most human form is what we got a chance to check out this time. Many would argue that the HOTTEST workout regimen right now is without a doubt The Vixen Workout! Creator, Janet Jones and her Vixen Army took Story Night Club on Miami Beach by storm one Saturday afternoon and what an adventure it was.  It’s something about being behind the scenes of something of this magnitude that is extremely captivating. The Vixens packed the venue from wall to wall with an insane level of kinetic energy that resembled that of a “HYPED” Hip Hop concert and capturing those moments proved to be quite interesting and sometimes challenging with the multiple light scenarios. The goal was to catch the emotion of the energetic environment, using every angle the club had to offer. There is no standing still once the music starts. Getting that perfect shot while surrounded by women who are determined to change their lives in these workout sessions was a workout in itself.

Sharing the space and feeling the energy of Janet, her instructors and the entire army of vixens young and old was invigorating. Capturing that essence in photos was my sole priority. You have instructors like Devona Wu, who originally started as an army member talk about her first workout “I felt alive, inspired and determination coursing through my body.” Alive Sherman, a member of the army had this to say “I’ve always loved dance, this has brought back the life within me.” To capture such an impactful and life changing experience and be able to replicate the energy and the environment through visual art is where the magic happens.

Peace & Enjoy

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