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Miss Bobbi’s Anniversary

By on Feb 11, 2014 in Weekly Chronicles | 1 comment

Sight unseen I loved you unconditionally Anticipating your first steps Hanging off of every incomprehensible sound listening for your first word Heart racing every time you would weep For it is the shedding of your tears that makes my heart swell 365 Sunrises later, I find myself celebrating your light You have illuminated my life in ways I could have never imagined On this day I celebrate your birth. Happy Born Day!

The Future…

By on Jan 23, 2014 in Weekly Chronicles | 1 comment

“Enjoy Every Moment”… D-Wade’s 32nd Birthday Celebration

By on Jan 18, 2014 in Weekly Chronicles | 1 comment

“There is only one difference between a madman and me. I am not mad”- Salvador Dali How many people are afforded the luxury of not only pursuing their dreams, but actually living them? It is not something that is easily accomplished. Depending on your aspirations, it is a feat that many will write off as being downright impossible. Some will even label you as crazy for having the audacity to think so grand. For every believer you have a million naysayers. However, over the years I have learned that what another person is doing has absolutely no effect on the path I must walk to make my dreams a reality. So, today we celebrate you…I have been blessed with the opportunity to witness you pursue and live your dreams. This has simultaneously allowed me to realize my own. Lexus has a slogan which reads “The relentless pursuit of perfection”. Perfection is something that we as humans will never attain, but it is not perfection that we should seek. The true gift is found in the pursuit. It is the pursuit of perfection that has allowed society, technology and us as individuals to evolve. To evolve into something that may not be perfect, but it will be greater than how we found it. Our fateful meeting has by no means made me perfect, but it has helped me to not only evolve into a better photographer, but also a better person. I can honestly say that through our travels, conversations and just sheer experiences that I am better than how you found me. For that, I am thankful! Therefore, on this day, your day, I would like to wish you a happy 32nd  birthday. -B Gallery by Bobby Metelus Featured Image by @EricaMelissa   The Couple… Love is in the air. Boom… “Who needs Candles” Photo Booth fun… Getting Jiggy with it… “Band of Brothers” Chosen Famiy… “Team No Sleep”    ...

Thought of the Day! (T.O.T.D.)

By on Jan 15, 2014 in Weekly Chronicles | 0 comments

The greatest value of a picture is when it forces us to notice what we never expected to see

John W. Tukey

Time Capsule: The Voyage…

By on Jan 8, 2014 in Weekly Chronicles | 0 comments

We all must disconnect.  No matter how much you love doing something, there comes a time when the removal of one’s self from the rat race must take place. In order to perfect your craft and remain consistent, you must break from it and allow your mind to refocus and your spirit to be exposed and receptive to as many new things as possible. Bob’s disconnect came in the form of a vacation. While on vacation not only was he able to relax, but he was also able to reconnect with the basic fundamentals of what it means to be alive, which is living in the moment and finding the beauty in things as presented to us by nature, without all of the posturing and posing. What better way to end 2013 right? …The VOYAGE will never be complete. In a world so vast one can never truly arrive. In search of tranquility Bob rediscovered a piece of himself.  The saying goes “It’s not the destination, it’s the journey that should be appreciated”. Those of us who have adopted this philosophy understand that yesterday will not replicate today, tomorrow never truly comes and that change is inevitable. Therefore, we must learn to live in the moment. At times change can find us in distant lands exchanging handshakes with strangers, indulging in foreign foods and appreciating a world of beauty that we so often take for granted. Armed with just a DSLR and a single 35mm prime lens he took advantage of life’s moments. With sands as pure as the expressions on his daughter’s face, Bob walked the beach of Turks & Caicos taking in his surroundings. Remnants of home were present, often reminding him to pay attention to even the most minor details. When technology fails us and all communication must take place through words spoken, it is then that we begin to recognize the footprints that those before us have left to be followed....

2013 Reflections… Its Been Real!

By on Jan 1, 2014 in Weekly Chronicles | 1 comment

 As this year comes to an end, you will find many people reflecting on the last 365 days. As we all know, thousands or even millions of people make resolutions every year to change. Whether it is a promise to stop smoking or a commitment to losing weight and adopting a healthier lifestyle, one thing everyone can admit is that there is always room for improvement in our personal as well as our professional lives. Unfortunately, for many those changes never come to fruition. However, for most 2013 has definitely been a year of change and new beginnings. Life was created and families were extended, champions returned to reclaim their rightful place on the throne, likes turned into love and love evolved into lifelong commitments, similar interest were discovered and bonds were created with the sole purpose of creating memories with each Photo Click. Some even had the opportunity to travel Far East to the Land of the Dragon and experience life through the lens of its natives and wildlife. Change can be as subtle as the cutting of one’s hair or as grand as making the decision to incorporate your Lyfe with someone else and transition from “I” to “Us”. There is a popular quote on the internet that states: “Life always offers you a second chance, it’s called tomorrow”. So when reflecting on 2013, just know that no matter what you did or did not accomplish always keep in mind that life is a marathon not a race. It’s not about finishing first. It is just about having the will to finish, but you have to make the decision to join the other runners.  ...